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On Residence

The OnResidence exhibition was part of the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016 - After Belonging.


atelier 36 was rensponsible of the construction design and mouting supervision togehter with the curatorial team After Beloging Agency. 


The exhibition was located at DOGA, an old industrial building that pose many challenges in the use of walls and ceiling.

The space had a high level of protection and most of the architecture couldn’t be disturbed.


As in the InResidence exhibition, the diversity of formats and dimensions of the multiple installations, required an extremely flexible design that allowed the visitor to experience the space in one glimpse and, at the same time, be able to deepen in each object. In the final design, most of the exhibition content hanged from the 10 m ceiling, reducing the contact with the floor to the maximum and emphasising the sense of lightness and transparency.

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